extrastitch was founded to give your clients big, bold, beautiful hair.
Created by Haley Rae, a 3x champion mom and 17+ year experienced stylist, the ExtraStitch method provides the volume, and length of your clients’ dreams, giving them the hair confidence they’ve always wanted while still protecting the integrity of their hair.
All ExtraStitch classes are taught in an intimate, private setting. This one-on-one lesson provides you with the most complete understanding of the method to better serve your clients.
covered in class
who is a good candidate for extra stitch?
what to order and how?
what density and texture?
how many rows and what measurements?
color matching, maintenance, and “how to” care
live model demonstrating the extra stitch technique.
blend extensions and learn to create the most natural, undetectable weave
hands on
now it’s your turn!
let’s get stitching